This post is to encourage both PhD students and any junior researchers who are interested to consider applying to a summer school on the arithmetic of the Langlands Program. (Some financial support will be available.) This is the first event of the Haussdorff Trimester mentioned previously on this blog. A great lineup of speakers has agreed to give courses, namely:
- Arthur-Cesar le Bras and Gabriel Dospinescu on p-adic geometry,
- George Boxer and Vincent Pilloni on Higher Hida theory,
- Patrick Allen and James Newton on Automorphy lifting,
- Eva Viehmann and Cong Xue on Shtukas,
- Sophie Morel and Timo Richarz on Geometric Satake.
It’s worth noting that little to no expositional material exists for many of these of these topics, so this is a rare opportunity to learn about recent developments from a group of exceptional speakers. The online application is here. The default academic status on that link appears to be that you are a full professor who obtained their PhD in 1965, but I assure you that is not the target audience!
Hi! I am a Masters student. I want to apply to the workshop as well as the conferences. Will there be separate applications for them? I was wondering if for the conference one needs to apply to the full program.
The application for the full trimester program is here: I don’t imagine there will be separate applications for the conferences, that is, they will be open to anyone but there will not be any special extra funding available for participants.
Are non professional mathematicians without a math degree allowed?
I don’t imagine that access will be restricted from the general public, although I would be surprised if the average Bonn citizen was clamoring to attend a technical talk on higher Hida theory. If you wanted to be absolutely sure (for example, you were going to go out of your way to attend) then I would recommend filling out an application and noting at the appropriate point that you are not requesting any funding. The only reasons I can be see for anyone being turned away is if 1. the room has a maximal capacity that is reached by official participants and/or 2. the person attending is not behaving appropriately.
I meant allowed without financial support obviously
Are postdocs required to have a letter of recommendation with their application?
What, in your opinion, is the background knowledge required to get the most out of this school?
Good question. I will think a little about this and respond later, possibly with a new post.
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