
A number theorist blogs (sometimes) about math. I am inspired by the blogs I have linked to, but I do not aspire to be similar to them in any particular way. I am a professor of mathematics at the University of Chicago. The (faux) anonymity is merely to confuse google, though I suspect that if you can’t work out who I am then you probably won’t get much out of my posts. This blog will neither contain the fine photography nor the interesting diversions on language in EK’s blog; it will not have the disciplined academic focus of DC’s blog; it will, however, have infinitely superior musical links than JSE’s blog. I do not plan to blog about any of my own papers. I do plan to blog about seminars that I attend and papers that I read but on a whimsical basis only, so please don’t be offended if I don’t blog about your masterpiece.

Honors: Since creating this site, it has not gone unnoticed by the connoisseurs of the math blogging world. Out of modesty, I restrict myself to mentioning only two examples: being described by Ivan Fesenko as one of several “bloggers void of understanding,” and making Anna Haensch’s worst of 2017 list.

4 Responses to About

  1. Danny Calegari says:

    Disciplined academic focus? Ha!

  2. JSE says:

    I almost posted about Debbie Gibson today, but then decided not to, but now that I read your description of my blog, I think I will.

  3. Dan Asimov says:

    “Similarly, the result of Gelfand-Schneider was a complete shock as well. ”

    That should read “Gelfond-Schneider”.

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